[ENG SUBS] 181227 My English Puberty 100 Hours Episode 2 (PART 2)

2019-04-15 115

Please do not take out credit/reupload onto any other platform such as YouTube without credit to NJMSUBS.

Please do not take out credit/reupload onto any other platform such as YouTube without credit to @NJMSUBS on Twitter.

Translators: @huangsichengs @14jjal @muhandoyoung @NCTzens_JK @jaellybaens @delulucas_
Timers & Typesetters: @neoctechnoloqy @sushi116 @magiqian96 @nctjaeminnie @nct_728 @fl2na
Encoder: @sushi116
Uploader: @sushi116

PART 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/k59aduSn8Otdz1tjuaK

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